Frequently Asked Questions

What is the refund policy?

If you are not 100% satisfied within 14 days, you can contact us for a full refund.



What if I have a question? Is there a dedicated support department?

Once registered, you’ll be assigned a dedicated in-office contact from our 100% US-based team. We’re available for support five days a week by SMS text message or email. 



Will my account get banned?

No, our methods are 100% safe. We have never had a report of banning as a result of our services.



How many posts can I make each day?

As many as you want! Each time you post, you will receive your selected number of likes based on your membership plan. No matter how many times you post!



What happens if I post a video?

Video’s will automatically receive views instead of likes.



How quickly will I receive my likes/views?

We spread them out over the course of 24 hours to ensure Instagrams algorithm features your post for an extended period.



Will the likes/views last forever?

Yes, since these are from real users, they will last forever.



Are these real likes/views?

Yes, we have an in-house network of users who regularly take part in our Auto-Like Program. Once you post, it’s handed off to them in real time.



Can I buy followers too?

Yes! Before completing your purchase you will have the option to purchase 500, 1000, or 2500 followers.



Will my followers disappear?

We will monitor your followers for 30 days and automatically refill them if any are lost.



Do you need my password?

Nope! We do not need access to your account – although you must set your account to public. Our system cannot detect new posts if your account is set to private.

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© 2020 by LikesDrip